31 March 2006

Inching towards war on a false prospectus

In his article "Of Iran, bombs and geography" Nadiya Aamer suggests, that it is not Iran that seeks confrontation; rather "America likes to bully". Responding to the Times Magazines jingoistic anti-Iranian article he note that Ahmadinejad, is not even close to a confrontational, and posits, "the United States is having a monologue with itself which is what it best does in situations such as these".

This misrepresentation of Iran in the British media, et. al., goes far beyond a foreign affairs spat; it is xenophobic and chauvinistic. However, this is not new, Britain not only occupied, oppressed and raped Iran, it committed arguably the largest genocide of the 20th century. The Islamic revolution marked an end to a hundred years of foreign tyranny. However, with its partner in crime, the United States, Britain has behaved ever afterward behaved in a fanatical, petulant, belligerent, dishonest and xenophobic manner towards Iran.

The current anti-Iranian hyperbole and hysteria, epidemic in the State regulated British media are cancerous; in that it leads to a perception that Iran is an existential threat to the West and therefore to Britain. This is not so Iran is not a threat to the West; quite the reverse it is the West, or the United States and its subordinate vassals, that are an existential threat to Iran and the Middle East. Iran has not threatened, invaded or occupied any other state this century. Iran has no nuclear weapons. The real existential threat to the West is the United State and it proxy in occupied Palestine. However, it is perception that counts, if the public is persuaded of the existential threat of Iran, military action is inevitable. Even if the policiticans are aware that it is a war that cannot be won, just as they were in Iraq.