14 April 2006

What lies behind the Hyperbole, Malediction, Irascibility?

At the heart of the Iranian nuclear energy issue, behind the transparent veil of hyperbole, malediction, irascibility, truculence, sophistry and paradox; illuminated for all to see, lies a moral malaise that so affects the United States and its vassals. The Empire that is utterly incapable of introspection or moral validation; it denounces tyranny, oppression, poverty, prejudice and war, yet is a purveyor of the same.

The United States talks of a policy of regime change (the strategic objective) in Iran and threatens regime termination (the tactical objective). Yet despite this belligerent posturing, to the imperialist mind, clouded by occidental colonial arrogance, this is seen as defensive. Yet when Iran suggests that the Zionist dream is in terminal decline and that the "Zionist occupier regime" will be "eliminated from the surface of the Earth" by the Palestinians, yet makes no aggressive threat against this regime; this becomes akin to an intent to perpetrate genocide. However, it is not Iran that is is perpetrating genocide in the Middle East; rather it is the United States and the Zionist occupier regime. Hence it is projecting, or characterising Iran by its own behaviour and intent.

It is curious indeed that the United States and her vassals would use international consensus as its casus belli, the corollary of which is that any coalition of states has a de facto justification for attacking any other state. It is even more curious, or perhaps perverse, that the United States should forward the advancement of freedom and democracy as pretexts; the United States has shown precious little regard for either within it own borders let alone throughout the rest of the World. Unless the freedom of which they speak, is qualified as the freedom of a select elite to oppress, subjugate, plunder, impoverish, kill and do whatever, to whomsoever they please.

The we are left with two pertinent questions why should Iran not be afforded its rights to use Nuclear Energy as freely as the permanent five members of the UN Security Council and why should it be subject to the caprices of the United States? The two questions get to the crux of this moral malaise, the United States and its vassals are an imperialist entity that loathes Iran and Islam in equal measure. The discontent with Iran's prominence amongst the Islamic nations owes to the fact that Iran is a truly independent indigenous Islamic state. It is the strength and independence of both Islam and Iran that troubles the United States and its vassals.

The United States, is an empire in terminal decline; lost in its own delusions; it is verging on economic collapse, yet more now than ever, it resorts to form issuing unrealistic threats of violence. Hence relying on its one true asset: military power. Although its military is over-committed and has all but been defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The moral malaise that affects the United states and its vassals, is founded on its colonial supremacist mentality, which it tries to deny. Its case is inarguable outside the parameters of overt xenophobia, religious bigotry and millenarianism.