16 July 2006

Islamic Extremism is a Zionist construct

Martin Bright's Channel 4 documentary, "Who Speaks for Muslims", was warped by any standards, he castigates the Foreign Office for pandering to what he regards as Islamic extremists and political Islam. He suggests without qualification, that the majority of British Muslims follow the Sufi tradition; he does not even declare, which Sufi tradition he supposes the majority of Muslims to follow. Leaving aside, Bright's absurd pretensions to know how best the mainstream British Muslim community (of whom he is completely ignorant) is best represented, his documentary is nevertheless very revealing. It demonstrates that, objections to political Islam and or Islamic extremism, are centre entirely within a Zionist paradigm. Hence, Islamic extremism is a Zionist construct.

The question of the extremity of Islamic opinion is measured in Muslim reaction to the Zionist occuption of Palestine and Zionist foreign policy. The issue of support for suicide bombing, or the more pervasive martyrdom operations is a red herring; the moral issue cannot be whether the bomber sacrifices his life in the pursuit of his objective, otherwise this would apply equally to all those who vicariously sacrifice their lives. The moral objection must be to the objective.

Yet if this is so, it is ludicrous to suggest that support for Arab political violence against the Zionist occupiers is anymore extreme than supporting Zionist political violence against the Arabs. Quite the reverse, for every action their is reaction: thus reciprocal Arab violence against a foreign aggressor is reasonable. It is extreme and somewhat perverse to deny Arabs or Muslim the right of self-defence, yet claim it for the Zionist aggressor. Nor is it extremist to regard the 7 July, London bombings as morally equivalent to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. It is extreme, only in relation to the consensus of Muslim opinion, to regard the London bombings as morally justified, but it is not an altogether unreasonable moral position.

Of course it is not only Muslims who regard martyrdom operations as an appropriate response to Zionist aggression. I would posit the majority of thinking Europeans, whilst not necessarily approving, regard it as a logical response. Hence the need to create the illusion of an Islamic menace sweeping through Europe, which is diametrically opposed to Western civilisation. Precisely because the opposite is true. European politicians may regualrly states that Israel has a right to exist, yet this clearly is not the view of the majority of Europeans. Ostensibly Europe may be anti-Muslim but so too is it anti-Zionist, only to a far greater degree. European support for Zionism undermines Europe's relationship with the Muslim World, which is to Europe's detriment. Europeans consistently recognise Zionism and the Zionist state as a greater source of instability than they do Muslim states.

Thus the threat to the West comes not from Islamic extremism but from Jewish extremism: from Zionism. On the superficial level Zionism is an anti-Islamic ideology, yet on the subterranean level it is anti Western civilisation. Zionism is fundamentally opposed to peaceful co-existence with the Muslim World and tries to draw Europe into this conflict, against European interests.