16 September 2006

Rise in anti-Semitism or rise in anti-Zionism?

The British media in response to an All-Parliamentary Committee against anti-Semitism report, indicated that there has been an alarming rise in "anti-Semitic incidents" what they avoided doing was pointing out that this Committee rejected Police evidence in favour of the militant Jewish group, the Community Security Trust, who in fact report that there has been a 14% decline in "anti-Semitic incidents" since 2004 falling to 455.

Moreover, the media were less keen to identify that this Committee's definitions of incident and anti-Semitism and are enormously problematic. The word incident does not indicate a criminal offence; rather anything than a Jewish person finds offensive, including legitimate criticism of Israel, Zionism, modern Judaism and various Jewish individual and organisations. Hence had the committee talked of "criminal incidents" for 2005, it would have been reduced to talking about the 10 or so incidents. In short, one detective could deal with all the anti-Jewish criminal incidents in this country, with time to spare.

Furthermore, the committee itself was undeniable anti-Semitic, it failed to identify that Arabs are Semites, therefore if it the committee view that Jews are Semites and they are the victims of anti-Semitism, then the prejudice would apply equally to Arabs, if not it cannot be racism, it has to be something else: Judeophobia perhaps - a loathing of Judaism and Judaic culture. However, the focus of this committee was nearly entirely based on anti-Zionism. The committee was in effect trying to silence criticism of Israel and Zionist political organisations and lobbyists in this country and abroad.

In November of last year, in response to the same fictitious claims of a rise in anti-Semitism, I wrote the following article: "Lies Lies, and Damned Statistics"

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