22 October 2006

Hang Kobra Rahmanpour

Iranians rightly regard this interference as a form of Western imperialism; an act of tyranny
In Iran, there is considerable resentment to the imbecilic, disingenuous and imperialist attitude of Western chauvinists to Kobra Rahmanpour imminent death sentence - sentence that is long overdue - she has been in custody for six years and under sentence of death for four, she has exhausted the appeal process.

A process, that the Iranian judiciary has diligently applied, and perhaps allowed to drag on too long. Rahmanpour murdered her mother-in-law, she had due process, she was convicted upon the evidence. Her pleas of victimisation are nauseating, self-pitying and unrepentant:

"I want to live! I am a human being just like you. I do not want to die. However I am now a sol less body who in fear of the execution rope has forgotten how to laugh and be happy. A lot of people say to me how come your case has been so much publicized but you are still in prison? I have to tell them that I am only steps away from execution. I too like all of you am afraid of dying. Please help me so that this would not be my last letter.

People, friends!

My mother, father and handicapped brother are very worried about me. Your supports so far have been such a comfort to them. I wish my life was different. I wish I had finished my pre-university education. I wish I did not have to be a servant for my husband. I wish I had not reached insanity. I suffered a lot and was intimidated. I am a true victim. Now they are about to hang the victim. This was not and is not my destiny.

In these dark days of fear, I urge you once again to help me. I thank all mass media and all people who supported me before. Now, may be for the last time, I urge you to do everything you can to free me from execution. I like freedom. I dream about my freedom and a good life.

I have suffered enough. Help me to get rid of the nightmare of execution which wakes me up all the time. Do what you can. There is not much time left. Every minute takes me nearer to the rope. Please help me! I am afraid of the rope and death. I hate the rope that is waiting for me on the crane. I want to live. All other doors are closed to me. Nobody helps me. My only hope is the people. I want to hold my mother and father in my arms.

I want to thank my mother, father and all who have supported me.

Kobra Rahmanpoor

From Evin prison, Tehran, Iran Shahrivar 1385 (September 2006)"

She wants to live, so too did her mother-in-law whom she brutallymurdered, with malice aforethought, repeatedly stabbing her to death with a knife. In Iran there is little sympathy for this murderess. Iranians support the death penalty. It is not hard to see why the lives or murderers would be forfeit; Iran is not the only country to apply such logic. For Iranians, it is a private matter for the victims family whether they are prepared to accept the diyeh (blood money) or demand that the sentence be executed.

It would seem that the family are adamant that Rahmanpoor should hang. Iranians will respect that, it is a pity that so many Islamophobes and Western chauvinists will not. Iranians rightly regard this interference as a form of Western imperialism; an act of tyranny.


Zhale said...

I think this is odd too. I used to think it was a European thing but most English people I speak to are pro capital punishment. I wonder how many people are pro cpaital punishment in this country? I think at least half. What do you think?

steph said...

I'm not sure what the figures are in the UK Zhale but usually the figure is thought to be over 50% in favour. It difficult to know because it is easier to say yes on a poll that won't reintroduce hanging than on a referendum that could.

steph said...

I agree if Iranians are comfortable with the death penalty, they should execute her. It's not for anyone else to tell Iranians how to live their lives and run their legal system.

I posted about this here

Babak said...

Germany, Italy, Spain and all of Nazi occupied Europe had a decidedly negative experience of the death penalty during the 20th Century. I suspect that this might have had something to do with it.

The European Declaration of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms 1950, was largely written by Britain, this is why there is no ban on the death penalty, however it was muted at the time.