Lebanese President Accuses US of Conspiring Against Lebanon
The US government would present itself as a friend of the Lebanese people, a peace broker, looking to support liberal democracy and wrestle the state out of the hands of an undemocratic Hezbullah. This Could not be further from the truth; Lebanese President Emile Lahoud last week accused the United States has orchestrated a full-size U.S. conspiracy against Lebanon.
During her visit in Egypt on Oct. 3, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described the "New Middle East", as the US vision of a "future Middle East in which there is a democratic Palestine living in peace with its democratic Israeli neighbor". Lahoud derided the claim that the United States had any interest in democracy or peace, pointing to the latest press reports that over 600,000 people have died as a result of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, he said, "I wonder whether this was the new Middle East they are talking about".
He urged the Lebanese people to stay united and consolidated against this US conspiracy to undermine their democracy and sovereignty. In other words to reject the pretensions of the US puppet, Prime Minister Seniora and the Hariri gang.
Despite US claims to the contrary, Sayyed Nasrallah and Hezbullah are more popular than they have ever been, were there to be a genuine democratic election in Lebanon, rather than the existing tripartite sham democracy, Sayyed Nasrallah would be Prime Minister.
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