24 October 2006

Reporting Iran

Most of what is reported in the Western media about Iran is negative - how much of that do you suppose to be true? How much racist, how much propaganda and how much analysis from those who have never so much as visited Iran?

For instance, lets look at Human Rights: the British media heavily quotes Amnesty International's and Human Rights Watch's plethora of reports on the country.

Yet ask the authors of these reports, how many Iranian jails and cities they visited in the course of their research. You might be surprised to find that the answer is none!!!

A fact normally obscured in a small footnote, as it is on the USA State Dept report on Iran. All these stories on Iran cite dissidents. In other words, individuals like former SAVAK agent, Amir Taheri or dubious characters like Shirin Ebadi and Akbar Ganji, who are not above sharing a platform the MeK and the KDPI, who are erronously described as "opposition groups". Although neither of these terror cults has any political support in Iran. They are no more an "opposition" in Iran than the 7th July bombers are in Britain.

Thus AI and HRW reports are awash with factually inaccruate stories about terrorists, murderer, rapists and traitors, who have been sentenced to death. You might have seen petitions on the net.

Would the British government release Ian Huntley because of a petition signed by a million Iranians?

The purpose of the petition is not to get the convicted criminal reprieved; it is a propaganda exercise, the purpose of which, is to manipualte those who sign the petition into developing an emotional involvement, so they will be less likely to question the facts, and more suspectible to anti Iranian propaganda.


Babak said...

Many of those scenes do appear in the British media but they do not draw false parallels with the Nazi over something as irrelevant and widespread as this.

Moreover, Jews certainly dominate the media in this country.

steph said...

The US is a fascist state, the American media portray anything Iran does as hostility towards America or Israel (American Jewish Colony), they don't say, this is military parade, like most countries which is no different from most countries in the World.

The us media wanted you to draw a mental association with the Third Reich and the Soviet Union and they succeeded.

Israel, is the most militaristic state in the Middle East but that imagery isn't shown on the British or American media.

Babak said...

I would certainly agree that the United States is fascist, obviously this is not an exact facsimile of fascism in the 1930s and 40s; no diachronic example would be.

The United States is overtly Zionist, and Zionism is the model of fascism that Nazism most closely resembles.

It is interesting that John Reid is seeking with other European secretaries of the interior to target terrorist bloggers, broadly defined as those using the web to disseminate terrorism. Although, I rater suspect he does not have in mind the propagandists writing for the BBC and the Murdoch empire. mind.