23 November 2006

Gemayel Assassination Looks like an Inside job.

Al-manar reports:

"Lebanese Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was shot dead in a street in a Christian suburb of the capital Beirut and rushed to hospital, Lebanese media reported. Gemayel was a member of the Phalange Party and son of former president Amin. Witnesses and reporters quoting Gemayel's bodyguards said the minister was shot in his car in Jdeideh on the northern edge of Beirut, with a silencer. The footage of the car that Gemayel was driving suggest that the perpetrator shot the minister at close range, as several bullet holes were seen on the door window. News reports said that the assassin managed to escape. Reports also said that Gemayel had a large number of bodyguards with him, but the way the assassin managed to get near the car and shoot the minister without any reaction by them is still unknown. Reports quoted sources in the Phalange party suggesting that the bodyguards of Gemayel may be infiltrated."

The implication is obvious, only those with access and influence to his bodyguard entourage, could have orchestrated the assassination: hence more likely friend than foe.

1 comment:

Babak said...

It indeed has that complexion.

Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Khatami said:

"All proof and evidence point clearly to the fact that the US and Zionists are behind the assassination because the US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice had earlier disclosed that many assassinations would take place in Lebanon; large amount of weapons have also been shipped to the US Embassy in Lebanon and Gemayel too was assassinated with the same arms"

However, what I think is very distinct is the use of silencers. The assassins acted in broad daylight, they rammed the targets car and they approached with their weapons visible and in front of passersby; there is no stealth involved here, so why silencers?

The assassins knew they would not encounter resistance; that the windows were not bullet proof; and that they would not be prevented from escaping. If they had not known this, they would not have elected to use silencers: they would have gone for maxim velocity and noise.

Another error: Syrian's do not use US made firearms.