02 December 2006

British interference in Lebanon

British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett's intervention in Lebanese politics is delusional and insipid, she described her visit as "a chance to extend Britain's backing to the efforts of the Lebanese government in order to help protect the country's stability and democracy," described the Siniora's Government as "elected by the people of Lebanon and a government which has the constitutional authority that election gives it". A preposterous statement given that both the Lebanese President and Speaker have declared the Siniora Government to be illegal and in violation of the Lebanese constitution.

Moreover contrary to Beckett's assertion, this regime was not democratically elected. How could it be? Lebanon is not a democracy; rather it is a sectarian plutocracy established by the French to guarantee a disproportionate share of power for Lebanese Christians and to supress the Muslim majority. Lebanon only has the illusion of democracy. Hence Siniora's Government was elected with fewer votes that the opposition, yet still has a Parliamentary majority. Of the three main sectarian groups, the largest the Shia are the least represented.

The 800,000 to a million protestors (quarter of the Lebanese population) that took to the streets in protest against this illegitimate regime are demanding greater representation; a government of national unity; and an end to Western interference in Lebanese affairs. Whereas Siniora and the Hariri gang represent the status quo: an undemocratic Western sponsored tyranny, a regime that pampers to Zionist interests and will not defend its own borders.

There can be no doubt, that if Lebanon had democratic elections today, Siniora and his government would be ousted and that Hezbullah, Amal and Tayyar Al-Watani Al-Horr would form the government, hence the reason that Siniora is not prepared to go to the ballot box. Thus Beckett's comments would have been imbecilic had she made them in London, since they are patently untrue; however to make them in Beirut is deliberate attempt to interfere in Lebanese national politics and can only further exacerbate tensions. It is yet another example of Siniora's Western backers trying to impose their will on Lebanon and prop up an unpopular regime with no democratic mandate.

As General Michel Aoun said:

"Today we seek to liberate the free decision making. The decision is here when we meet as united Lebanese and agree on our internal, external and defense policies. Thus we make our free decision. A free decision does not change according to geography from a Lebanese area to a non Lebanese area. That’s why we will always seek to maintain our friendships and we want to be friends with everybody in the East and the West provided they respect our national will and let us deal with our problems on our own. We consider that any factional support to the government coming from any country whatsoever is not a friendly support but it is a support that creates confrontation in the society as conspiracy looms over the nation and its unity."


steph said...

Absolutely, what the hell is she thinking? Hasn't Britain done enough damage supporting america in blocking a UN resolution clling for an immediate ceasefire when Israel attacked Lebanon.

What right does the British government have supporting anyone in Lebanon?

Babak said...

Well quite by voicing her support for this regime she has signalled very clearly that it is indeed a Western Zionist puppet regime.

She is of course not the only one the European Union has supported this regime including France, but Beckett's public support in Beirut, is on an altogether different scale. It indicates interventionism. The UNFIL can only be viewed now as an occuaption army.