Ahmadinejad advises western countries to open doors to Jews
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whilst addressing a group of Syrian elite and distinguished political, academic and cultural figures gathered in "Al-Assad National Library" in Damascus, 20 Jan 2006, asked of European countries:
"Would you open the doors of your own countries to these immigrants in a way that they could travel to any part of Europe they choose? Would you offer necessary guarantees that you would provide their security when they come to your countries and not set up another anti-Semitic wave in Europe?"The president point is sublime, why should Palestinians have to suffer the consequences for European historic anti-Semitic excesses? If European Jewry and their descendants born in Occupied Palestine were able to return to Europe, the Zionist dream would fall apart, as it is clear that more Jews want to emigrate out of Occupied Palestine than want to emigrate there from other nations and that the Jewish Occupied Palestinian population has a negative growth. European leaders equate denial of the right of Jewish State to exist in Palestine is anti-Semitic, yet simultaneously, deny European Jews the right to return to Europe and Palestinians the right to return to Palestine.