06 March 2006

No pogroms here!

Hamid Golpira in the Tehran Times Opinion Column, Dec. 20,opions "With all the uproar about Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad’s anti-Zionist statements, it’s necessary to set the record straight by putting things in historical perspective." he goes on to say:

"The Jews have never been banned from Iran, whereas they were banned in certain European countries. The Jews of Iran were never locked up in ghettos, as was the case in some European countries.

In 2500 years, not one synagogue has been destroyed in Iran. Jewish graveyards have never been desecrated in Iran. In contrast, this still occurs in some Western countries.

There has never been a Kristallnacht in Iran."

He concludes that it is demonstrable that "Iran is not an anti-Semitic country", a view echoed by Jews living in Iran, once again it is a question of the West deliberately conflating Anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism or anti-Judaism, there are of course many Jews who believe that Zionism is anti-Judaism are they to be considered anti-Semitic?