21 May 2006

The Iranian Dress Code Bill

Amir Taheri: the Iranian exile, the Zionist, the Neo-con, the conspiracy theorist, the Islamophobe, the absurd, the laughingstock, would be a comical figure were it not for two facts. The first, that he taken to be an expert on Iranian politics by many US policy makers and secondly, that he was and remains a Shahist propagandist, he served as the editor of the Shahist national newspaper the Kayhan. Whilst the most oppressive tyranny of it time, perpetrated genocide upon its own people; whilst Iran was sold to Western oil companies; whilst Iranians died in their hundreds of thousands; and whilst Iranian sovereignty was a Zionist illusion - Taheri fabricated an unreality for the West. A job that he still does.

Taheri is the least of people to be taken serious on Iran, for he find himself incapable of even a modicum of truthfulness in this regard. Therefore, that any Western politician, let alone a leader of a nation should comment on nothing more than his assertions is beyond inept; it is breathtakingly dishonest. Yet the Prime Ministers of Canada and Australia did just that. They saw fit to comment on Taheri's unsourced allegations that Iran was imposing a colour dress code to distinguish between Muslim and non-Muslims in his article
"A colour code for Iran's 'infidels'", published in the pro Zionist "National Post".

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper remarked,

“Unfortunately, we have seen enough already from the Iranian regime to suggest that it is very capable of this kind of action, I think it boggles the mind that any regime on the face of the earth would want to do anything that could remind people of Nazi Germany,”

The Australian Prime Minister John Howard said,

"Anything of that kind would be totally repugnant to civilized countries, if it's the case, and something that would just further indicate to me the nature of this regime,"

And US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said,

“If you did have such an occurrence, whether it was in Iran or elsewhere, it would certainly be despicable, I think it has clear echoes of Germany under Hitler.”

The Zionist regime Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter said,

"Whoever makes Jews anywhere wear the yellow star again, will find themselves in a coffin draped in black."

The Zionist regime minister-without-portfolio and member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Ophir Paz-Pines said,

"The State of Israel was created after the Holocaust in order to ensure it would not be repeated. The yellow star is a bright red warning sign that obligates us to muster the entire world in the face of events there."

However Taheri allegations were as usual fraudulent anti-Iranian smears; Reuters have confirmed that there was never any mention of such a colour coded scheme in the dress Code bill. The allegation was also dismissed by Iranian Jewish MP, Mr. Morris Motamed.

Thus, the United States, Canada and Australia and the Zionist entity; all of whom are fierce critics of Iran, have issued official statements, giving undue prominence to an obviously fraudulent report from a known anti-Iranian propagandist. Yet curiously now that this lie is exposed, in much of the media there is a news blackout of this story. The BBC for instance has not mentioned it at all. Surely the fact that the aforementioned governments would react to these allegations, raises questions over their credibility; they were after all giving credence to a story that Reuters were immediately able to repudiate.

The only sensible conclusion that one can draw, is that at the time of making these statements, both the men making them and their respective governments, knew the allegations to be untrue.