02 June 2006

Iran should view US weakness carefully

Iran has the backing of the 116 countries in NAM and 57 countries in the OIC over it nuclear dispute with the United States, they all support Iran's inalienable right to peaceful nuclear technology and deplore the double standard being applied to Iran, contrary to the terms of the NPT. Thus it is not Iran that is in variance with the international community but the United States and the European Troika. Even the EU is divided on the issue of Iran.

However, the fact that Iran has the support of the greater international community and remains within the terms of the NPT, is of little account. It is the Permanent Five of the United Nations Security Council that will dictate the will of the international community. The P5 will issue a diktat, with no regard to the facts or niceties such as international law, but shall do so solely on the basis of national self-interests. They will maintain the pretext that this farce is the will of the international community, although it plainly is not. In truth the United Nations is a Western imperialist agency with no moral authority or legitimacy.

That the United States has agreed to Russian or Chinese demands the the use of force against Iran is to be ruled out, and failed even at this stage to get support for a Chapter 7 resolution, or indeed any statement with any threat of sanctions is also of little account. The UNSC may impose chapter 7 resolutions at a later stage, which may or may not authorise the use of force. The current P5 initiatives reflect the military and political impotence of United States at present, but only at present.

The United States is reported to be considering a European proposal of limited sanctions, which is nothing more than a face saving exercise since they do not involve economic sanctions on Iran. However, Iran cannot view this present US weakness as a permanent state of affairs, and has to recognise the malevolent intent remains. Any Chapter 7 resolution is a pretext for later US hostilities and should be responded to accordingly. Iran should immediately withdraw from the NPT , reduce oil exports and consider closing the Strait of Hormuz if there is any escalation.