06 June 2006

Commemorating the death of Imam Khomeini (ra)

There are no shortage of Western commentators, exiles and terrorists to speak for Iranians, but what is abundantly clear from the 2005 Presidential election is that their views do not reflect the views of ordinary Iranians. With this in mind, here is an Iranian's, Waqar Rizvi, observations on the commemorations of the death of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (ra). I hope this is illuminating.

Waqar Rizvi, sat five rows away from Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyed Khamenei in the VIP area during the commemorations and listened to eulogies from notable personages including, the supreme ruler, Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyed Khamenei give a speech at the Imam's(ra) shrine:

"After the recitations were over, Imam Khomeini's grandson
walked on stage and gave a short speech.

During his speech the crowd started chanting "Oh Brother of Fatima! We are waiting here for you!" (Ayatullah Khamenei). When Ayatullah Khamenei did finally walk on stage it seemed like an electric current had gone through the crowd. People were in all states of awe.. most were crying and chanting at the same time.. I myself, not expecting it, actually felt very pulled towards this man. His speech was long but amazing, He touched on the basics of the revolution at first, and then concluded by speaking in detail about nuclear energy, and the reasons the West doesn't want Iran to have it. His speech was thorough, and I honestly could not have come away with a clearer picture in my mind about everything."

Waqar Rizvi also notes the crowds reaction towards their president:

"Ahmadinejad connects very very well with the people of his country... after the whole program was over and he was walking off, people were running towards him trying to kiss his hands..."

The reaction to Khatami on the other hand was notably muted. Waqar Rizvi describes Khatami as appearing stand-offish and notes:

"No one really blinked an eye as he entered and left."

Referring to the European delegates, Waqar Rizvi make the point:

"It is so hypocritical of these same countries to criticize Imam Khomeini, and then to be here on his death anniversary just to suck up to Iran for economic reasons."