05 August 2006

UK and US do not Deserve to be Members of the P5

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday:

"The US and UK do not deserve to be permanent member of the Security Council. They have abetted Israeli war crimes and should stand trial."

Whilst it is unlikely that either would relinquish their place or veto, that there is a permanent Security council and that the P5 hold vetoes fundamentally undermines the credibility of the United Nations as an internationalist organisation rather than the plaything of the hegemonic powers. The United States and the United Kingdom have consistently served Zionist interests at the expense of World security; not once has a chapter seven resolution been issued against the Zionist state.

President Ahmadinejad went on to say,

"Lebanon, is a scene to present the true face of the so-called advocates of human rights. It depicts the oppression to which the Lebanese nation have been subject."

This is a point that cannot be easily dismissed; for all the nations of arrogance bombast human rights, they deny the the right of nationality to Palestinians and give succour to a succession of pro Zionist tyrannical regimes, who have not the least respect for human dignity. The concept of human rights is pure sophistry, they have never been applied with equity. Yet still the West maintains the illusion that the United Nations Security Council is the international community.

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