19 September 2006

"Death to America"

Why do Iranian's chant "Marg ba Emerika" (death to America)? This question was asked by Time magazine of president Ahmadinejad. His answer goes someway to explaining it:

"When they chanted that slogan, it means they hate aggression, and they hate bullying tactics, and they hate violations of the rights of nations and discrimination. I recommended to President Bush that he can change his behavior, then everything will change."

The TIME reporter then suggests:

"But if Americans shouted "Death to Iran", Iranians would feel insulted."

Ahmadinejad response:

"If the government of Iran acted in such a way, then the American people have this right."

Whilst this will be understood all over the developing World, in the US it will be seen as no more than evidence that the Iranian president is an adept rhetorician. There will be no attempt to see that such an anti imperialist slogan - for that is what it is - is directed at the USA for good reason. Reasons that hardly need spelling out. Yet ask most American when the USA illegally invaded sovereign Iran and they will assume you mean Iraq. In truth, any American who has heard of "TP Ajax" ought to be able to answer that question.

The chant is similar to burning the Stars and Stripes; if American can salute it and swear allegiance to it and for what it stands; others can burn it and curse it for what it stands. In the World today the United States stand for hegemony, genocide, tyranny, occupation and oppression. Ideologically "Death to America", means the same as "They shall not pass". They are anti imperialist and anti fascist statements.

It is notable than when Hugo Chavez's bestowed Venezuela's highest emblem, the Liberator Medal, upon Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he said,

"now is the time when free governments and nations of the world should stay united against US imperialism and its bullying."

Ahmadinejad described Iran and Venezuela are "pioneers in the cause of global independence, freedom and justice" and said:

"The future belongs to the unrelenting and resistant nations of the world and oppressors have no choice but defeat."

That is what "Death to America" means!

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