21 November 2006

The myth of Lebanese democracy

Hezbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stated, "There are two solutions to resolve the crisis -- either the formation of a government of national unity, in which all political movements take part, or early parliamentary elections...We cannot have any confidence in this government because it answers to the decisions and wishes of the American administration".

As much as the Western media and politician would like to present the Siniora regime as a legitimate and democratic, it is neither. Siniora is but a figure head for the Hariri gang, Paris and Washington; he has no political mandate, for Lebanon is not a democracy, its election process is a farce. Lebanon is governed by a tripartite system imposed upon by colonial France, which results in a Christian President, a Sunni Muslim Prime Minister and a Shia speaker of the house. Seats in the Parliament are allocated along these sectarian lines; rather than proportionally. The Shia (Hezbullah and Amal's political base) are undoubtedly Lebanon's largest sectarian group, possibly even the majority of the Lebanese population, yet Shi Muslims are effectively barred from holding either the post of President or Prime Minister.

If Lebanon was a democracy, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah would be its leader and Hezbullah and Amal would be in government. Instead, Lebanon is run by a pro-Western oligarchy of gangsters and fascists, proped up be Western militarism. The anti-Syrian Hariri gang that sat idly by whilst Israel perpetuated a genocide against Lebanon, which was facilitated greatly by the earlier withdrawal of the Syrian Arab Army from Lebanon. It was Hezbullah that rose to the challenge and it was Hezbullah's stunning victory against Israel on the battlefield that thwarted the Zionist colonisation of Lebanon.

Therefore it is little wonder that Hezbullah enjoys the support of 70% of Lebanon according to recent polls. Despite what the Western media might say, Lebanon is asserting its independence from French, US and Zionist imperialism. The majority of Lebanese want a Government of national unity; they do not support the undemocratic and illegitimate, Western backed Hariri gang or the ineffectual Siniora.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said to the Lebanese people "We must psychologically be ready to take to the streets". The number of protesters at any the planned rally against the illegitimate Lebanese government are likely to number in excess of a million: a clear demonstration of who really represents the will of Lebanese nation.

However, the Siniora regime will not concede to the democratic will; it will instead look to its Western backed for a military solution and take Lebanon into another civil war.

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